You must see Rome at least once and private tours of Rome

Benefits choosing private Rome tour guide: With a Private Tour, you are accompanied by your very own tour guide and chauffeur, who are there to meet your sight-seeing needs. Having a team at your disposal means that you can be taken to the famous landmarks away from the hustle and bustle, beyond the crowds of tourists. It is like having a knowledge friend taking you on an adventure through some of the world’s best cities. What’s more, you can go off the beaten path into areas that even many locals themselves are unfamiliar with.
What to visit in Rome : Basilica of San Clemente – Located just a few blocks from the Coliseum, the 12th century Basilica of San Clemente is built on top of a 4th century Church and older Roman temple. The present church is noted for its fabulous frescoes and mosaics. For an admission fee, it is possible to explore the excavations of the lower two levels, which is a fascinating journey into the history of Rome.
Walking through the forum, now in the middle of a throbbing modern city, is like stepping back two millennia into the heart of ancient Rome. Although what survives of this center of Roman life and government shows only a small fraction of its original splendor, the standing and fallen columns, its triumphal arches, and remains of its walls still impress, especially when you consider that for centuries, the history of the Forum was the history of the Roman Empire and of the western world. Roman political and religious life was centered here, along with the courts, markets, and meeting places.
The Colosseum is another of Rome’s major tourist attractions. Its construction was started by emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty in 72 AD and was finished by his son Titus in 80 AD. The elliptical amphitheater could hold up to 50,000 people who turned out to watch gladiators do battle, people be publicly executed and enjoy other forms of entertainment. This stone and concrete structure, built in the first century, was the largest amphitheater in the Roman Empire. It is considered one of the Romans’ greatest architectural and engineering feats. Book private Rome tours…
The Spanish Steps, The Spanish Steps connect Piazza di Spagna with Piazza Trinit? dei Monti, and are another excellent example of Baroque Roman architecture. They consist of 138 steps and were financed by a French diplomat who wanted to link the French Trinit? dei Monti church with the Spanish piazza below (so named for the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See). This area is a buzzing commercial center and attracted artists throughout the centuries – Giorgio de Chirico and John Keats had studios overlooking the piazza.
Free things to do in Rome : Visit the Art at Galleria Nazionale Di San Luca , Located at the Piazza dell’Accademia di San Luca, this art gallery is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday. and the last Sunday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Accademia di San Luca was founded in 1577 as an association of artists in Rome, with the purpose of elevating the work of artists in the eyes of the community. At the museum, you can enjoy selected works of Raffaello, Canova, and Van Dyck among other famous names.